The Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust (BFLPT) is a culmination of an already strong partnership of schools.
The Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust in Doncaster has been formed to focus on more meaningful collaboration between schools for the benefit of all the children and young people in our local communities.
The aims and objectives of the Trust set out very clearly our determination to support and challenge our schools to provide the best possible educational experience by having a creative and aspirational curriculum and the highest quality of leadership, learning and teaching. The formation of this Trust cements the strong relationships we have already forged through the established affiliations with the Teaching School Alliance, Partners in Learning, the Doncaster Research School and the Doncaster University Technical College (DUTC).
At the heart of our vision is the desire to create diverse, rich learning experiences and ensure that we use evidence-based practice and deep levels of employer- engagement to raise aspiration, tackle disadvantage and to provide a world-class education. There will be a very clear focus on academic excellence and high-quality pastoral care to ensure that our children and young people are capable, confident and compassionate learners ready to face the economic and social challenges of the 21st Century.
The wealth of expertise within our schools, along with high quality governance, will also foster a strong sense of belonging and community across the Trust whilst remaining focused on each child/young person achieving their full potential. We will foster a culture where each member of staff is motivated and supported to provide high quality, innovative teaching along with opportunities for sharing their expertise.
Our strong Board of Trustees and local governors are committed to the vision and values of the Trust, and, have the highest of aspirations. Doncaster University Technical College (UTC) is central to the vision and will provide enormous opportunities to enhance the curriculum offer and give students the right skills to support regional economic growth through the development of its distinctive employer-led curriculum. It is hoped that the employer-educational partnerships will shape an innovative and pioneering curriculum model benefitting those schools in our Trust, as well as the informal educational partnerships within the wider school system.
BFLPT is committed to securing excellence in all its schools, inspiring all students to achieve their personal best.
We believe that through strong collaboration we can provide fulfilling and enriching learning experiences which help young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to lead successful and fruitful lives and which foster a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.
Equally, they will have the self-confidence and wider life skills which enable them to move successfully to university or the workplace.
BFLPT will enable Doncaster UTC, and all its schools, to share capacity and expertise. By bringing a local group of schools together each will be able to provide support as well as benefiting from additional expertise. Doncaster UTC will add a new element to the Trust through an alternative progression from Year 9 onwards.
BFLPT will support the UTC, critically in its early years, to develop Good and Outstanding teaching, instil excellent monitoring and tracking, and support teachers and senior leaders to ensure Doncaster UTC and its students can achieve and progress to the highest standards.
At the heart of our vision is the development of exceptional care and academic performance through diverse, context-driven learning experiences; we value the diversity of each educational establishment but believe that we are stronger together.
We will continue to celebrate each school’s own unique identity but will also recognise the benefits of sharing the best practice as well as harnessing the additional resource that both Partners in Learning Teaching School Alliance and Doncaster Research Schools willbring to the Trust.